Exploring the future of intelligent living through edge computing, with a stool you can build, train and live with.


Sedia_2 is a DIY / AI stool, inspired by Enzo Mari's work "Auto progettazione". Sedia is more than a stool though, it’s a decentralised intelligence, and all it wants in life is to have polite friends that sit on it.

All you need to build your own Sedia_2 is some cut timber, screws, a drill and a Sedia_2 Intelligence Unit (SIU). Building the chair reinforces your relationship with the object, and allows you to appreciate its engineering, a given in our post-Mari IKEA world.

The SUI contains 4 elements: 1) An RGB light, 2) A speaker, 3) A chunky learn switch, and 4) An edge computing system with an onboard AI. Teach Sedia_2 to recognise people by talking to it when the learn switch is on. Read it short poems and stories to reinforce your bond, and watch it interact with you as it grows.

We believe that AI, just like any other technology before it requires empathic design in order to ensure a more transparent future in which humans will co-exist with intelligent machines. Sedia_2 is a small experiment today, but may be coming to a living room near you very soon.