Uncorrelated returns in all market conditions. Pure financial engineering.



Rysk is a DeFi protocol that uses Delta Neutral trading strategies to produce uncorrelated returns in all market conditions. Pure financial engineering. FINH developed a fresh Brand Identity, a UX & UI design system, and a unique go to market strategy.

Underpinning the Identity and visual language is the concept of “Chaos by Structure”. Rysk uses pure financial engineering to bring predictable outcomes with transparent risk profiles. If you can see the matrix you can conquer it. If you can build the grid you can bend it. If you master the rules you can break them.

We used Ascii in order to create an additional layer of visual elements that could co-exist within our grid system, bringing a sense of automation, computation, and numeration to the assets created, from patterns to motion graphics to illustrations.

FINH designed and prototyped an elegant UX and UI kit that brings a uniquely quiet and clean aesthetic to the experience of taking part in DeFi, for both mobile and web. Something simple and easy to navigate.

Tying the entire Brand guideline and system together is a set of multimedia templates to help Rysk with digital marketing across a variety of channels, communicating their product in style.

For merch design we picked a set items that better reflected the positioning and messaging behind the brand. From a “taste the delta” lunch-box, as a nod to the “home-cooked options”, to a branded Pizza box for a future Rysky Pizza service that delivers around the world to customers that deposit.